Saturday, December 27, 2008

See The Light

"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival." - Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965, U.K. Prime Minister, Nobel Laureate in Literature

The power of the human spirit is amazingly resilient. Even in times of extreme suffering and hardship, we can find the will to not only survive but to inspire and motivate. The incredible fifteen words above from Sir Winston Churchill are a testament to this spirit.

It can seem difficult to overcome set backs when all options seem to have been exhausted. This can lead to drastic and regretful actions. You MUST resist and have faith that there is a world of possibilities. Even the darkest and fiercest storms will pass to make way for the inevitable rays of sunshine!


  1. Human beings are resilient and go one..

    Keep writring..

    guts wrenching out....

  2. yes, all things must come to pass!

    and yes, you can find meaning in suffering.

    thank you for the reminder that we are resilient! need to hear that sometimes..
